Number of days since last #IntelCorp paycheck: 2015. This hinders on my ability to work, since I am always in the red. This is why updates and patches are late. Over 30-40 attempts in the past 3-4 years by Indian Recruiters by Temp Agencies located in India for a new position at Intel Corp. Asked me to sign papers, zero job offers. Most recently, there was a new remote salary Business Analyst position a few weeks ago. I was hoping to receive positive news before the Sept 19th, 20th Intel Innovation conference. No email. I have been duped by what they call “ghost jobs” where a corporation forces you to work for free with fake promises of a salary position. I am seeking professional legal guidance. Their NDA excuse is useless because their job given and fiasco on my 33rd birthday caused me to indirectly join the Intelligence Community, even if it’s pro-bono.